Friday, August 13, 2010

Back to School

Friday was the first day of school in our area, so I was up bright and early. I've been hanging out with and helping mom as her students settle into the new routine. Mommy's Time Out will start back next week, but for now I'm at RCA the entire day.

At first, that was a really GOOD thing for my and I walk laps in the gym and run a few bleachers while her class is having PE, and it's been really fun to spend that time together. But between a PE time fire drill Tuesday and pictures in the gym on Wednesday, my workouts have stalled and I'm not burning the calories I need to. I was hoping that being back at work would at least add in more steps, but when I "borrowed" my husband's pokewalker (don't judge!) to count my steps, I found that I was getting less than half the 10k we all supposedly need. I know that number will pick up once I start back at MTO, but it's still pretty discouraging.

Add to that the amount of processed junk I've been eating out of convenience, and I've felt really BLAH all week. I've mostly stayed within my ranges, but I can really, REALLY tell a difference in my mood and the way I feel about my body now vs. when I was eating healthier, unprocessed foods.

The scale is moving blessedly forward; Wed. was the last weigh-in for the 30-in-30 challenge, and I was down 4.6 lb from last Monday. That said, my measurements haven't changed, and I'm feeling this lack of structured exercise! I like walking with mom, but I NEED my belly dancing to keep trimming those inches away.

So, the plan was to hit the grocery store tonight for some good-for-me treats, and to add the belly dance back in. I'm brainstorming ways to get those 10k steps, too...maybe a few laps around the school in the morning, before the rest of the teachers get here? hm...things to think about!


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