Sunday, July 11, 2010

Setting Up a Plan

I've been spending the better part of the weekend brainstorming how I want to go about this whole "weight loss" thing; Emily's "30 pounds in 30 days" challenge kicks off bright and early tomorrow morning, and I want to be prepared.

I guess I ought to throw a disclaimer out there that I'm not doing this in the hopes of quick, magical results. 30 pounds is a lot, but it's only half of what I, to be healthy, have to lose...and a much smaller percentage of what I could stand to see go. Aside from that, I'm starting with an advantage in that (a) I've not been doing *anything* previously, and (b) I'm 23. So, while I don't know that I'll hit the 30 pounds, I think I can get close without doing anything extreme to reach it.

I don't want to do some crazy liquid diet or starvation plan to drop the weight. While it would be lovely to not have to work for this, my goal is to be healthy and comfortable in my own skin. I'm smart enough to know that doesn't come overnight, and it doesn't come from some fad diet that hands back all the weight plus some when you start to eat regularly again.

So, while I'm kicking things off with the 30 day challenge, I'm in this for the long term. Here are the guidelines I've set up to help myself get there:

I'll be making conscious decisions about what I put into my body, aiming for a balance of nutrients. Nothing is, strictly speaking, "off limits," but I'll be carefully monitoring my fat, calories, carbs, and protein to makes sure that I'm within healthy ranges. Based on the recommendations of Sparkpeople, I'll be aiming for the following ranges:

Calories: 1320-1670
Carbs: 177-255
Fat: 35-61
Protein: 32-109

I'll track everything I eat, plus all of my exercise, with Sparkpeople's handy trackers. SP will adjust my ranges as my weight changes, so I'll always have a pretty steady guide and a quick way to see my nutritional progress.

As for exercise, I'm going to start with just 1 hour at least 5 days a week. I absolutely loathe exercise, so I'll be breaking it down into three sessions:

1 10 minute session of something awful but kick butt, like Coach Nichole's 10 minute kick-boxing routine. I'll start my day with this, both to give me a jump start and to get it out of the way so I don't waste time dreading it.

1 20 minute Wii Fit Plus session, doing whatever the heck I feel like. This doesn't burn a whole lot, but it does offer a nice mix of low impact aerobics, strength training, and yoga. And it's fun.

1 30 minute belly dancing session. Yes, you read that right - belly dancing. Bertha likes to tell me it's something fat girls like me can't do...but no one sees me but me, and I absolutely love it.

And really, isn't that what this is all about? I've specifically saved the belly dancing session for last in my day because I want it to be a special treat - a fun way to unwind and feel good about myself. Bertha's spewed her rot for so long that I'd come to believe everything she said. Now I'm retraining myself to think differently; to see exercise as reward, not punishment, and to do fun, empowering things whether I "look the part" or not. Why should skinny girls have all the fun? I will reach a healthy weight sooner rather than later, but there's absolutely no reason not to embrace who and what I am in the meantime.

Anyway, that's where I'm at right now. Battle commences at 6:30 A.M. tomorrow morning. Bring it, Bertha!


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